Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Spam prose

Until my university gets their act together, I am stuck with over 70 SPAM each day. Man it is annoying. One of the IT guys told me that the solution was a $35k upgrade, and was shot down. Insane. But there is testing going on now and maybe it will get better by the end of the year.

Until then, my salvation is SpamBayes. It does a great job at catching just about anything. The Spammers out there are constantly trying to outsmart filters. Last summer, it was deliberate mispelling. (e.g. fixt hoam lone 5.3%). Knowing that this looked stupid, they then went to skipping letters or adding spaces (e.g. fix d home lo an, 5 .3%). Then at least you might think your computer is stupid. A few months ago the state-of-the-art was random words at the bottom of the email, which looked really weird. Today I found a spam message with random words, but written in white! Like someone wouldn't wonder what all the blank space was...

The words create an almost-poetry, which I thought I would share. I don't make it a habit of posting other people's work like poems, song lyrics, essays, but "Hebert" and the other financial wizards at Nokika.com did not put a copyright on this work. To complete the effect, you will need to highlight the text below.
 "fosterite a gooseberry via barb, 

not eqjwgs gould a of with an not qntylpgv
on or got for comic court backdrop curfew
guarantor are gruesome a with on
deviant sacral out mill it our munich firebreak
a no legislature poseur enhance are dante
leslie usaf escalate beribbon indefinite
indeterminacy? for compose in felix oiffp
out it on transmission bhutan vclyxuntk
our to not me preference itscrimea our ucxaob
hessian are of permeable Neffie
seminarian hockey us you a knuckle
on mineralogy. navel, out dinah kiva,
lloyd ldukkgj"


1 comment:

BlackLineFish said...

Ah, spam comes to blog commenting, nice... The future looks even more dim!

So, I am SURE there is a word out there for the practice of "Hey, nice blog, I made a linked you on MY site" and the practice of spam-like messages in blog comments...

How about Ker-plunking?

