Friday, September 26, 2003

Wisit -- Are you down with an English "Whodunnit" party?

Okay, just came across this and just had to comment.

Dickie! Gemma! The Gamekeeper?

Apparently, Wisit is a fake town, in Wiltshire, U.K. with a lot of crime. They promise 1960s and 1970s themed crimes, but only feature an Old Times theme.

My favorite thing is that all of these people look at least ten years older than me!


Death to Staircase Wit

Okay, I copied the three entries from the other web log that I kept. I liked the title, but it wasn't really that original. Funny thing, because the purpose of that title was to write about stuff that I wished I had thought of or said earlier. I think that is some form of irony.

I still believe in the concept of "esprit d'escalier," and even use the term. But naming a 'blog after it would be like having one named for The New York Times, Doonesbury, Calvin and Hobbes, and one of my favorites: Bring it on!. (All of these are unoriginal ideas, and they have only one or two posts...

Someday I will write about where I got the name for this blog. Yeah, it's stupid, but at least it is original...


books and stuff

I noticed a book about Web Logs in Hastings Video and Books in St. Joseph, MO. Actually, there were two. I checked Amazon this morning and counted over 15 books that tell people how to blog. Surely, there is much more that could be done, but really, 15 books on blogging?

I need to write a book on getting through life with Notepad.exe and MS Paint.

Oh, if you have bought a book about blogging, quit reading my blog...


Who knew that Google did this?

So now we can use Google Search to convert values like 0x7d3 in roman numerals!*


*(2003, if you don't know hexadecimal, or even roman numbers.)

Why is it so hard to find a bible cover?

I came to work this morning with a simple task of finding a bible cover for my wife's birthday. I thought I could find one in less than ten minutes, right before my 9:35 class started. It looked like I had it made when I saw the plethora of piñatas^H^H^H^H^H^H^H uh, covers at the Zondervan web site. However, time ran out and I did not notice that most of this selection was plastic covered neon colors, needlepoint representations of teddy bears, old churches, and the "Footprints" poem. (I've been meaning to write a tribute to that poem called "Hoofprints in the Sand" or "Pawprints in the Sand.")

After class I realized that that website doesn't sell bible covers, they just print nice pictures of them with suggested prices. My search continuted, and I am aghast at the totally tasteless bible covers that I found.

There is:
  • The Power of a Praying Wife, oh yeah, she'd love this boastful and tacky cover.
  • Jellyfish(???) bible cover, there were about seven of these colors
  • a reversible green and yellow cover, both of which are hideous, and
  • my favorite, the "Let's Roll" bible cover. Be the first on your block to put those infidels in their place with this bible cover

    Here are a few ideas that I was surprised not to find:
  • the "My God is better than your god" bible cover
  • the presidential "Bring it ON!" bible cover
  • the Charlton Heston "Take my gun from my cold dead fingers" cover
  • the "Spongebob Squarepants" bible cover
  • and, the "Don't remove the Ten Commandments from public property" bible cover

    Actually, if I could design my own bible cover, it would be a needlepoint of Moses walking a small dinosaur on a leash. That would get everyone worked up! Perhaps Moses could have a cellphone, just to mess with people's heads a bit.

  • Tuesday, September 23, 2003

    Door Message

    I will comply with's wishes and only provide a link to this gem.


    Friday, September 19, 2003

    Astrology for our Arab Friends!

    Why is the Astrology section of the Arab Times under construction?


    For the Icon Hunter

    Just in case you were looking for icons.

    I am trying to get used to this new laptop. Are laptops getting bigger because our laps are getting bigger? What's the difference between a laptop and a notebook? (The Moleskine notebook has changed my life. I am no Hemingway or van Gogh, but I still record notes, poems, and sketches regularly. I have no idea what a moleskine is, but it sure is a high quality notebook.)

    Anyway, back to the laptop. It is a Gateway 600 series. I can get used to about anything. However, the arrows buttons are like 2/3 the width of the rest of the keys. Call me a fiddler, but I still use the keyboard instead of the mouse quite a bit. Man! (Pardon my language.)


    Thursday, September 18, 2003

    I am the LESKO!!!

    I just found this on my computer because I was getting ready to back everything up:

    I vaguely remember spending several minutes cutting both of these pictures out, but I have no idea why. What is the point in mocking Mathew Lesko? Isn't he providing a valuable service to our country by encouraging the common man or woman to milk the government of grants? Previously, this was only the domain of large organizations and corporations.



    Oh, I see, you think that I interested in this article for the artistic content.

    Actually, I decided to blog it because I had never heard of the word Ashmolean. How did I ever miss this?


    Random screen garbage

    Hey, I didn't know you could blog a pop-up window!

    PDF is a crime against nature

    I hate PDF files. I am not alone.


    Monday, September 15, 2003

    Enetation - annotations for your site

    It might take a while to get this right, but I guess I will try Enetation for comments...

    Riders, Residents, and Weyrs???

    What's the difference between a Rider and a Resident? If you don't know, then check out these Weyrs.


    Sunday, September 14, 2003

    Proudly mapping urine since...

    Cartographers! You might be interested in this urine map of Georgia.


    Friday, September 12, 2003




    Wednesday, September 10, 2003

    Looking for a genuine good time? Check out the TTS Interactive Demo. I submitted the following text (from a previous 'blog):

    Last night I dreamed that my brother and I had to sell vegetables by the road-side to survive. He would make the sale with 2 packages of corn, then I would come around the corner with just one more to entice the buyer with just a little more. One guy peeled out shouting at us: "you street people are all the same!"

    Check out the results:
  • Audrey makes my work sound like Jane Austen.
  • Rich just sounds cool.

  • Each morning I believe my calculator is trying to tell me something. Today's cryptic message was captured on the scanner:
    TI-36X Solar

    I searched for "FAFOB" and got this page, in between "fafoa" and "fafoc", of course. It took me a while to read it, but I especially liked the part that said:

    fahvf fahvg fahvh fahvi fahvj
    fahvk fahvl fahvm fahvn fahvo
    fahvp fahvq fahvr fahvs fahvt
    fahvu fahvv fahvw fahvx fahvy
    fahvz fahwa fahwb fahwc fahwd


    Speak and Spell for the masses...

    This is to show you how much you don't know about the Russian Alphabet.

    This reminds me of Speak&Spell. Here is a Windows simulator. (I did not test this.)

    ...which of course allowed me to stumble onto this genius who spent two years faithfully recreating Speak&Spell in a flash program. [I had to load it twice.]

    MCUH! sad and unsocked
    Spector sold the sock monkey...
    ...regretable news.

    > Hi,
    > Sorry, that sold pretty mcuh
    > the first day it was in
    > the gallery way back
    > when the show was.
    > Thanks for your interest.


    Tuesday, September 09, 2003

    Is it just me, or is Saturn looking a little fake lately?


    I might just have to check out Spector Gallery.

    Tom Carey is a genius.
    Sock Monkey
    It will be mine. Oh, yes...


    Tuesday, September 02, 2003

    According to Jenny Jones, I am 24% geek.
