Sunday, October 24, 2004


I have seen the threat to the Teletubbies, and it is the Boohbah. Fear the Boohbah. What is this show about? I'm not sure, actually, I just discovered it. But we have another troupe of glandularly-challenged fuzzy and brightly colored creatures that respond to colors and rainbows and sign-wave-like sounds.

According to the creators, this show is superior because it:
"It is intended to foster a style of active 

viewing in which the things that children learn
from viewing are not determined primarily by the
content of the program, but rather by the ways
that young viewers ... engage with the program."

In other words, "we're just making this up, and toddlers are too stupid to know otherwise."

Every thirty seconds some kid chants "Boombahhhhhhhh...", is it annoying? For me it isn't. I can watch ANYTHING. And Boombah is proof.

Maybe it is too late, but this game took me three tries!



1 comment:

m said...

I "won" on my second try, once again establishing my intuitive software learning form of autism.
