Friday, October 08, 2004

Sarah Elizabeth Mocko

If you are wondering who Sarah is, (currently listed in my links), then your guess is as good as mine. I came across this page last Spring, but I have no idea why. I do not know who they are, or why they think it is smart to have clues to their locale and possibly real names on the 'net. I feel like I am stalking this family just by visiting her page.

So, I visit her page once or twice a month.

The site is not a formal blog, but it is organized in reverse order like a blog. My favorite is the "NEW" image that I remember using in 1993 when I was writing my first web pages. (Everything back then said either "NEW" or "UNDER CONSTRUCTION.")

I appreciate the narrative first-person technique that the author has chosen. It is almost as if Sarah is writing this herself! Does Sarah even know that unknown lurkers are satisfying their prurient interest in visiting this site? ...reminds me of that movie, "The Truman Show."

Some day, Sarah E. Mocko is going to have to take over the page herself. Maybe we can watch her grow up, take ballet lessons, go through that 1980s fashion faze of trampy/torn-up clothing (I just know that will be coming back in style in the next decade -- all stupid things are repeated.)

Here is an excerpt, 20 years from now:

May 2024
  • I am getting my Bachelors degree in Textile and Fashion Merchandising at Towson State! Wheee!
  • Did I stay up too late last night? Sarah has bags under her eyes!
  • I like triple-sec!
    June 2024
  • I'm still looking for a job! Maybe I should have majored in Finance.
  • I'm late! :) I need to have a talk with Trevor, or Gary, or Josh, or...
  • For now, I will move back in with the folks. Look at Mommy's smile as she moves my boxes back into the garage.
    July 2024
  • I got a job! Well, it is temporary, I am a Wal-World associate.
  • Why did I major in fashion merchandising two years before the Supreme Commander ordered poly-carbon-unisuits for the world?!!!

    Rock on, Sarah. Shine on YOU, you crazy diamond...

    * * * * * DEBATE UPDATE * * * * *
    Bush just referred to the Internet as "the internets." (Maybe he is speaking L337, and it actually is spelled "IN73RN37Z".) I am now commited to refer to the Internet as "the internets" until:
    1. it catches on, and few even remember where this odd nickname came from in 5 years
    2. *I* look like the only idiot (well, one of two, at least) saying it
    3. people stop getting why I am saying it, and I look as silly as our President saying it
  • 1 comment:

    DrSchnell said...

    It could well catch on. Remember, nobody used the phrase "growing the economy" before Clinton unleashed it on the world....