Monday, October 18, 2004

Newest Acquisition

I broke one of my rules today. I do not really care for garage sales (but I love pawn shops) and I don't stop on the street to rummage through garbage. This is difficult for two reasons: 1)garbage shopping runs in my family, and 90% of my LPs came from the garbage cans of Fairfax County, VA. 2)I drive a pickup truck.

However, I also have a strong urge not to accumulate needless items. But today, I could not resist the sign that said "FREE" attached to this jewel:

Click to enlarge and stuff...

Does it work? Oh yeah.

(If you are curious about the wadded up tissues, you are witnessing a parenting event. One of the kids sopped up orange juice with paper towels and then discarded them on the floor. Only one kid drinks orange juice, and it is the same one that is also most likely to clean up. But obviously 90% is not really good enough for this job. Am I making a show of my parenting here? lol)


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