Sunday, October 17, 2004

Port Foam

I didn't want to stay up late this evening, but I think I am forced to. I think we fed the dog a little too rich this weekend. A few hours ago, I let her out into the yard to do what I hoped would be the last of her business for the evening. It's cheap, but effective right before nighty-night.

From the yard I could see her making her famous grimace. This means that she is either about to yak-up, or make foam pour out of her hiney. The gaseous sounds eminating from the yard made it clear that the dog had diarrhea. I hate that, but I bet she hates it more.

I waited for one more "round" before I retrieved an Immodium tablet, broke it in half, and gave it to her. That stuff is usually effective. So far, it seems to be working. Funny how under this affliction you can go and go and go, and then after one small dose it all goes away. When I take it, I feel kind of dehydrated the next day, but that seems to be the only side effect. I don't know all of the dog's side effects, but I think Terra just likes to not be pitched forward in a patch of grass in the front yard foaming her port to oblivion.

So far, so good.


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