Saturday, November 06, 2004

Yak, yak, yak

I just read a scary news report that speculated on the use of cell phones in airplanes.

I am not capable of sleeping in a sitting position unless I have been kept up for 36 hours. I am jealous of the people who do this on flights. Now I have no reason to be jealous because they will be woken up every five minutes by a ring-tone that sounds like a song from Usher.

Can you imagine a three hour flight with someone playfully talking on the phone nonstop? Normally, airline conversations are subdued because people don't really know each other and if they do they are more cognizant of their surroundings. But on a cell phone, only one person is on the plane, and they will talk as if they are not surrounded by strangers in a pressurized tube 30,000 feet up.


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