Monday, July 05, 2004

GIS for "Art"

Does anyone else think it is weird that a Google Image Search (GIS) for the word "Art" leads to a web page called: toothpaste for dinner? Yeah, this picture is LINK #2!

It is rather artistic, though.

Just busted out laughing when my wife joined in on the chorus of Peter Frampton's "Do You Feel Like We Do?"


1 comment:

m said...

I think it's interesting that the 10th and 11th results for the GIS for 'art' are two T-Shirts I have considered buying - showing characters from Abbey's Monkey Wrench Gang.

I like how, even though there are probably 6 trillion web pages on the internet, I invariably end up on the same ones, over and over again, by pure serendipity.
