Wednesday, June 09, 2004

USUARIOS MEXICANOS: cual es la peor cancion? -

Okay, I was looking for the lyrics to "Mesa Que Mas Aplauda" by Climax, and came across a question in Spanish on The question was actually which cancione (song) was the worst (peor)... Still, an addictive song, and this Mexican radio thing has not subsided.

In looking for those lyrics, I came across Gina, a "half-Mexican/half-American from Calexico." Wow. She blogs mostly in English, then starts spouting off in Spanish when that fits the mood.

Of course, I am jealous of anyone who is so fluent in two languages. I know that being mixed ethnic has its disadvantages in this society, (I could only understand about 1/5 of the "You know you are LATINO if..." joke). However, most Americans do not know more than seven words in another language. I know about 72...

Back to Climax, here are part of those letras:
Mesa, Mesa, mesa que mas aplauda
Mesa que mas aplauda, mesa que mas aplauda
Le mando, le mando, le mando a la niña

And yes, I am aware of the slam on my motherland in the bridge....


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