Friday, June 11, 2004

Just what this country needs, another billionaire populist

So, George Soros, billionaire, has pledged $13 million to unseat Bush on November 2.

Of course, spending your money on politics is a true freedom of expression in this country, (like selling your vote). But $13 million? This guy survived the Nazis in Hungary, and is only pledging less than 2/10ths of one percent (0.1857% to be exact) on his critical mission. He has given billions to other causes, so why does he give so little to what he considers to be the most important cause?

This guy is impressive, his foundation gives out almost 1/2 billion dollars every year. He is the mastermind for Watching Justice, which monitors the U.S. Justice Department. Pretty interesting stuff. Okay, he is not the mastermind, I just like that Get Smart word from the Cold War. He just pays the bills.

It looks non-partisan, and not jingoistic. So the media and the public will ignore it.

Repeal the Patriot Act now and stuff.



m said...

'Another Billionaire Populist' would make a great name for a song by our capitalist punk band..


BlackLineFish said...

I need to give credit, though, but I don't know who actually gets it. Back in 1992, when Perot was running for POTUS, a person on the PBS news hour (McNeil/Leherererererererer at that time) said something like: "It is impossible for a billionaire to be a populist." oxymoron I suppose, but still, great song title