Sunday, July 17, 2005

Bob Saget Fan Site!

Okay, a friend pointed me toward the tourrettesGuy web site. I learned a new curse word ("Bob Saget!!!") and have been trying it out. Yes, this is deliberate, but at least I am being honest about it.

So, I started to wonder if Bob Saget had a fan club or something. I came across the Bob Saget Fan Site, (well, this guy used an exclamation point). The poor guy wrote that you should email him if you are are a Bob Saget fan. The date on the page says 2002, and so far I see no list.

COME ON! (Yeah, that was an exclamation point.) Now that John Ritter is no longer with us, (or even Norman Fell), so let's rally behind Mr. Saget, visit this fan page, and get some names listed!

Er, you first.


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