Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Valentine's Day

Today's image is brought to you by the ACME Heart Maker. Make your own for Valentine's Day.

Okay, so I have another rant-peeve about the next upcoming holiday. On that day, I will probably hear about 20 people (guys, mostly) talking about how it is a made-up holiday from the cut-flower, gift-card, and candy companies. I think they say the exact same thing to 20 different people all day, and there is nothing that I detest more than repeated comments ad nauseum...

Okay, we get it. I don't really care for it myself, and it probably won't surprise you that I am not a candy/cut-flower/VD-card kind of guy. But honestly, this battle is so lost and those compaints are so played...

Just get over it and stuff. You lost, deal with it. Buy the card.

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