Sunday, December 19, 2004

Black Line Fish goes back to the suburbs?

The other day I was following a car with some ribbonish stickers on the back and I realized that I have no idea where people get those things. I haven't really been looking for them, but if they are as ubiquitous at the highway makes them appear, then they should be equally available in some store that I shop in.

I have always thought about what sort of automobile adornment I could ever dress my vehicle with. I am a big fan of "MY MIDDLE SCHOOLER CAN KICK YOUR HONOR STUDENT'S ASS!" (Yeah, sorry, language.) I remember seeing the "HONK IF YOU HATE BUMPER STICKERS" and getting a kick out of that. That was in 1982 or something. ...speaking of 1982, the convention center in Washington D.C. was recently demolished. The news reporter was calling it the "old" convention center, and I guess everyone is glad to see it go. Man, I remember when that sucker was brand new! Twenty-two years is hardly old for a building. (I remember thinking it was so modern looking. It had an electronic sign out front!)

So, my thoughts of me driving around with a suitable bumper sticker made me think of a ribbon that says "Support Stuff." That's really all we need. Who cares if that guy supports wildlife, and this dude supports the NRA, while another supports Jesus, or Darwin, or Walter Mondale... does it really have an impact on anyone else? I was all set to vote for George Bush, but on the way to the mall I saw a bumper sticker for John Kerry and that fixed me...

So, this is what I spent my last 3 1/2 hours on. You will have to click on the image to fully read the sticker:
Support Stuff!

I don't really wear shirts that say stuff, either. I don't go out of my way to not do so, that is contrarian non-conformatism that I don't care to conform to. But, I did think that I could wear a shirt that says "I'm THAT guy!". It doesn't really mean anything, unless you think I am the type of guy that wears a tee-shirt to a concert with the name of the band actually playing in the concert. (Yeah, that is a Jeremy Piven joke.)


1 comment:

m said...

When I view your blog from my mom's computer (Beatrice, NE), it says, alternately, "Proof that New York.." and "..Los Angeles..." Probably her connection is stupid.

I've always thought it would be cool to get one of those stickers of Calvin peeing, and then get a smaller sticker of Calvin peeing, so you could stick it on your window and have, like, "Piss on Calvin pissing on things.."

I like the Support Stuff sticker though - kind of like the Onion's T-shirts and things - "The sports team from my area is superior to the sports team from your area." I have the "Your favorite band sucks" T-shirt.

When I clicked on the "Proof that..." thing the first time, it took me to Northwest News or something, and I got confused, and decided it was like one of those MoonGod features that wasnt yet fully functional.
