Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Welcome to Bob!

This is just my way of saying that I have finally secured a copy of Adobe Illustrator.

Before you jump all over the composition of this work (I know the cloud cuts across his neck line...), I just want you to know that I was just messing around with two pictures, and just threw them together before uploading it.

I drew the background using regular tools (ellipses, beziers, fancy line art for the sun rays). Bob is a vectorized copy of a photo I came across. After I figured out how to do it, this only took about 12 minutes. Illustrator CS2 finds areas that you could paint automatically, even closing any gaps that you made.

So, now I will stretch my creativity with vector art (in addition to arranging/composing music, raster art, and writing). I wish I could write poetry, or good song lyrics. (I would settle for the ability to write an opera libretto.) But my song lyrics sound like Fruit Loops, and my poetry is worse.

I cannot take credit for the description of music sounding like fruit loops... that came from a high school friend, Rexroad, describing the music of Richard Busby. I doubt either of those two really even remember each other.

Getting back to my creativity, I am not trying to say that I am really that good at it. My writing is full of split infinitives, and too many ellipses... Also, my art is derivative and does not have a cohesive style (unless you count PoMo). Okay, I will defend my ability to transcribe and arrange music. Below is a segment of Mozart's Requiem, transcribed for Flute and Guitar. Amy and I played through this, and it seemed more than workable. Of course, where would we ever really play this. (Now booking funerals!) Notice the left-hand fingering on measure 3, that was tricky! (If you want to play it, you will have to drop the low string to D.)

And here is pretty much the same area in an MP3 file:

Mozart was a genius.

If you want to sing along:
"Lacrimosa dies illa,
qua resurget ex favilla
judicandus homo reus"

"That tearful day,
when from the ashes shall rise again
sinful man to be judged."


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