Sunday, June 26, 2005

Sorry, one more

Okay, I was told that Bob is now an obsession. This might be my last one for a while. I loved going to the planetarium and having the constellations pointed out with the obligatory lines connecting random stars.

This was fun to work on, however. I used real stars for my area for last night. I used a great interface called Your Sky that allowed me to remove all the words, planets, numbers, etc. It took 1/2 a minute to put the background stars on (and make them somewhat transparent).

If you work in a planetarium, feel free to use this. Just flash it up their on the ceiling and give a long speech about Bob watching over our night skies. The last time I went to a planetarium, I knew more than the intern giving the presentation. He couldn't answer two questions, but I helped him. Astronomy is something I know very little about.

Time to get back to music, or raster art.


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