Saturday, May 14, 2005


I watched "Friday the 13th" on american movie classics yesterday. Maybe it was the fact that they edited out the goriest parts, or the commercial interruptions - but I can't see why I was so terrified in 1980 when I watched that for the first time! I had just been given my first digital watch (LCD of course) for my birthday and I kept clicking on the light button to check the time ("aweseom!") hoping the movie would end soon. I told this to my son as we watched and he said something like: "Dad, maybe you were just retarded." Thanks, Tyler.

At work on Thursday, we celebrated the centennial. The PR office did a decent job of putting it together -- they even encouraged people to wear period dress. So, you should have seen me... no, just kidding. I just can't participate fully in stuff like that, it feels like I am lying, or in theater or something. (A discomfort I have with theater is that the whole thing is a form of lying to the audience.)

This has been one awesome kick-in-the-pants spring, garden-wise. It seems like I am getting everything in just before the next rain, etc. I took 25 feet off the south end of the garden and planted grass and fruit trees. Some day, when I sell this house, I think a few more fruit trees would encourage a faster sale, and not such a freakishly large garden. Concentrating on a smaller garden would probably improve the quality of the operation. Weeding and tilling a 70'x100' garden seemed more like a chore sometimes. Pared down to 70'x55', I could keep it respectable longer.

We've had a cool spring, so I refrained from planting corn early, in fact I just did it last week. All the early birds who planted in April are re-planting this month.

1 comment:

m said...

i forgot that i really wanted to comment on this post, not the other....

when my sister and i were in middle school (actually, junior high...middle school wasnt invented back then) my dad got Cujo and made us watch it, and he built it up for days, talking about how scary it was and how he was scared of dogs for a long time after he saw it the first time. about halfway through, we just looked at each other and started laughing, and then making fun of my dad unmercifully, because man, that just isnt scary.
