So, they recommended a vid-yah game called Splinter Cell. I selected a link that said "Why was this recommended?" and it told me because I bought a CD from that Windy City band DISTURBED. Uh, okay, but I don't even own a computer. The only vid-yah games I like are tetris, bubble bobble, and Ms. Pacman.
Another selection that I was recomended to purchase was a DVD of the Lord of the Rings. Okay, I did rent that DVD once, but what purchase made them think I would like it. This is the eclectic list of what I have bought through amazon that makes them think I want a DVD of hobbits and stuff.
1. A book about the history of Salt. (Yes, Mark, I finally got it and it is EXCELLENT.)
2. A book on flute care (for my wife)
3. Robert's Rules of Order (needed this for a thing I did)
4. a Star chart. yes, that's right, a chart for observing and identifying stars (30-40 deg N)
5. A Dread Zeppelin CD. Wait, I am starting to see the pattern.
6. A book about life makeovers.... only I swear I did not ever buy such a book.
and finally 7. My favorite, a CD by the pop-exotica TIPSY