Friday, September 26, 2003

Why is it so hard to find a bible cover?

I came to work this morning with a simple task of finding a bible cover for my wife's birthday. I thought I could find one in less than ten minutes, right before my 9:35 class started. It looked like I had it made when I saw the plethora of piñatas^H^H^H^H^H^H^H uh, covers at the Zondervan web site. However, time ran out and I did not notice that most of this selection was plastic covered neon colors, needlepoint representations of teddy bears, old churches, and the "Footprints" poem. (I've been meaning to write a tribute to that poem called "Hoofprints in the Sand" or "Pawprints in the Sand.")

After class I realized that that website doesn't sell bible covers, they just print nice pictures of them with suggested prices. My search continuted, and I am aghast at the totally tasteless bible covers that I found.

There is:
  • The Power of a Praying Wife, oh yeah, she'd love this boastful and tacky cover.
  • Jellyfish(???) bible cover, there were about seven of these colors
  • a reversible green and yellow cover, both of which are hideous, and
  • my favorite, the "Let's Roll" bible cover. Be the first on your block to put those infidels in their place with this bible cover

    Here are a few ideas that I was surprised not to find:
  • the "My God is better than your god" bible cover
  • the presidential "Bring it ON!" bible cover
  • the Charlton Heston "Take my gun from my cold dead fingers" cover
  • the "Spongebob Squarepants" bible cover
  • and, the "Don't remove the Ten Commandments from public property" bible cover

    Actually, if I could design my own bible cover, it would be a needlepoint of Moses walking a small dinosaur on a leash. That would get everyone worked up! Perhaps Moses could have a cellphone, just to mess with people's heads a bit.

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