Friday, September 26, 2003

Death to Staircase Wit

Okay, I copied the three entries from the other web log that I kept. I liked the title, but it wasn't really that original. Funny thing, because the purpose of that title was to write about stuff that I wished I had thought of or said earlier. I think that is some form of irony.

I still believe in the concept of "esprit d'escalier," and even use the term. But naming a 'blog after it would be like having one named for The New York Times, Doonesbury, Calvin and Hobbes, and one of my favorites: Bring it on!. (All of these are unoriginal ideas, and they have only one or two posts...

Someday I will write about where I got the name for this blog. Yeah, it's stupid, but at least it is original...


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