Sure, I'm not so hung up on those dates that I think 20 days is going to harm anyone. But still, it's weird.
There was some Amish Jelly, I thought about buying some. The ingredients were pretty simple:
grape juice, sugar, pectin.
May contain Kool-Aid.
Kool-Aid? I picked out some dog treats. Terra doesn't mind. Then I saw the bacon. Bacon doesn't have an expiration date, which is weird. I looked all over for it. It was a decent name brand, Hillshire-something-or-other. Sure, I'll buy some dollar-bacon from the Amish.
What was I thinking? I took it home (Terra was enjoying her cheese-beef dog treats) and opened it up. It was a little slimy, and smelled sweet. Kind of rancid-like.
I threw it in the yard and the neighbor cats pounced on it. It is a real sight to see a smug looking cat gnawing on some raw bacon. I hope they are okay. ...or not.