Sunday, February 22, 2004


I am thinking about URSULA 1000 being my next CD purchase. I have a meeting in the capital city next month and this might make those five hours groovy.

From what I have heard, and downloaded, this appears to be a hip-hop and funkified Tipsy. (Yes, I do think that is their official web page... also I have not maded the 2002 remix plunge because the titles look awfully similar to what I own.)


Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Bush to attend Daytona 500 NASCAR race - (United Press International)

I have been humoring myself with Bush at NASCAR for a couple of days now, and I wanted to share.

I keep thinking of the possible similarities between the famous aircraft carrier landing and Bush arriving at the Daytona 500. It would have been better if he showed up wearing a race-suit. Matt from Seattle told me that he should have declared an "end to racing" after the last lap.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Sociology based on random suggestions

HTBY means "How To: By You." Apparently you can read about building a time machine, or cleaning a carpet.

I will be looking for ways to annoy cats...

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Okay, I buckled down and created the friend test...

Check out my Friend Test.

Thanks fairly,, for the idea. (I am just guessing that he blogged it. I actually haven't checked since he informed me in an email.)
